What’s up in Sam’s plantation this last quarter ?

In July, August, September, 2015 under the sign of landscaping

  • Notre maison, qui réserve bien des surprises.
  • Le tas de graviers en question
  • Tarua
  • Patates douces
  • Pandanus et auti
  • Patates douces, basilic et pieds de tomates. Sweet potatoes,basil and tomatoes.
  • Sam en plein boulot. Sam is working hard

Unfortunately for us, (and for those who did not have the opportunity to come to discover Moorea with us) we did not welcome so many visitors as we hoped for it. It is necessary to say that the weather report was not of the most clement.

No inactivity however and Sam bustled in the plantation to add it of tarua,  sweet potatoes,  manioc, tomatoes, basil, eggplants… He took advantage of it to prune and transplant fruit trees. He did not stop there  and continued the arrangement of the land. It is not easy thing, it is muddy as soon as it is raining and extremely dry 2 days after the rain. Because it is mostly clay.

Thus he also made a contribution in sand and we went to collect seaweeds, just to enrich the ground. We always produce our compost and fight against bugs with boiling water on ant-hills, sand around plants against slugs and snails. It works rather well.

The rest of the team, me in this particular case, re paints the facade and to sort out the delivered gravel which did not correspond with order. Result : 2 weeks with the railing of the Barbecue to get back an unfortunate small heap of big gravel intended to cover the particularly muddy places.

And we made great encounters because, even if the number of our visitors remains intimate, it is rich in exchanges and in memorable memories.

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